rules and junk (rules not working) messages still hitting junk



I have setup a rule that blocks various keyworks in outlook 2003, yet
messages are still hitting the junk email folder which I have setup a rule to

My rule is setup as follows.
Apply this rule after the message arives
with specific words in the subject or body "Pharmacy or Drugs or Viagra or
Impotence or Rolex or etc etc.
delete it
except if sender is in "Contacts" address book
stop processing more rules
just two minutes ago, I got another message with Rolex in the message body.

This is setup as Rule 1 and has "STOP PROCESSING MORE RULES" included.

Any ideas people?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

I think the Junk filter operates before the Rules Wizard so the messages are
already dealt with and moved before your rule is seen.


Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to change the filter order, so my rule
gets first preference?

As a test, I have turned the junk filtering off for now to see how things
change. I'd love to keep using the junk filter to catch other messages
though, those that I perhaps hadn't included a rule to delete already. I dont
get a lot of spam, though typically get something for a 'rolex' or messages
from a geocities address trying to sell something.

Much appreciate any advice you can think of.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

No, I think the order is permanently set to be Junk first then user rules

Brian Tillman

SG said:
Thanks for the reply. Is it possible to change the filter order, so
my rule gets first preference?

Enough people complained that their rules were firing before the junk filter
and moving junk mail to their folders that in SP1, Microsoft changed the
order to have the junk filter run first.

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