RTD only alive when Excel is active app?




I have an RTD server that I wrote that seems to work OK when used by
itself, however, when Excel is not the active application, the
interaction does not work.

Specifically I am calling UpdateNotify informing Excel that I have
data for it,
but I don't get called until Excel is Active (i.e. on-top and focus-
in) again.

Is this expected / intended, or is my RTD likely not playing well with

The end-user has their ThrottleInterval turned down, so that updates
are more frequent. Might it cause a problem if the ThrottleInterval
is too low?

Can Excel end up in such a state that it is too 'busy' to respond to
RTD, until it somehow gets tickled by activating it (by clicking on

Further background:
The excel sheet in question is a 'busy' one. With two other RTD
servers loaded for financial information, and extensive use of macros
for various functions.

Many Thanks
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Did any one find anythign on this topic? I am having the same probelm with Excel 2007. The same dll wotks great with 2003.
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
I resolved my problem. Originally, I only call UpdateNotify() once to inform Excel there is new updates until a RefreshData call from Excel. Now I call UpdateNotify() whenever I have an update and that resolved the probelm. Not sure why that is necessary. My guess is when Excel does not have focus, Excel 2007 ignores some UpdateNotify() call.

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