


For unknown reasons, my computer suddenly could not access
the Internet. Checked the LAN card,cable,device manager
etc and everything was OK. So I thought that this could be
because the Win XP Home Edition operating system was
corrupted and I went ahead to reinstall/upgrade WIN XP
Home Edition using the installation disk that came with my
Dell desktop. After the reinstallation, I tried to access
system restore and the error message was "rstrui.exe-entry
point not found" followed by "The procedure entry point
RemoteAssistanceRepairSystemRestore could not be located
in the dynamic main library WINSTA.dll".

Any suggestions on how to restore System Restore program?
Thanks for your help.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Tang,

Start/run services.msc

Scroll down to the SR service and double-click it. Stop the service and set
the startup type to disabled. Click apply/ok and reboot. Reverse the steps
to reenable it, see if this helps.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Sorry Rick, it didn't work.

Anyway I seem to be having a host of problems with Windows
Xp Home. Now my computer takes forever to start up and
the error message "limited virtual memory" pops up
everytime I reboot the computer although I had faithfully
followed the accompanying instructions to set a paging
file size.

Am about to give up after working on this for two days now!

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Tang,

Do you have Intel Application Accelerator installed? If so, you need to
uninstall it and install the latest version. The older ones are incompatible
with WinXP and can cause this error message.

If not, then try this: Go to System properties/advanced/performance
settings/advanced tab/virtual memory change and disable the swap file.
Reboot. Delete all instances of pagefile.sys from all drives should any
exist, then reverse the original steps and reenable the swap file. Reboot
once more to finish. See if this helps,

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Dear Rick,

Thanks for your help. I have given up and reinstalled WIN
XP Home Edition on my computer overiding the earlier
installation. I am sure that I will have new problems.....

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