rss feeds




I'm not really sure where to post this. Does anyone out there have extensive
RSS knowledge? I've written an RSS/XML generator. For the most part it works
fine. But when it comes to having iTunes consume my feed, I find that I
cannot get any artwork to show up for the channel and items. Does anyone know
the proper why to make up RSS so that iTunes will pick up on artwork?



Apple's spec is FUBAR, not written clearly -- which is typical for RSS specs
in general -- and when I wrote and told them the example code in their
specification was not valid RSS 2.0 and did not include required elements
things got a bit snotty. There is no iTunes validator I am aware of.

One easy way to validate your feed is by loading it into IE7 -- which is not
strictly a validator -- but IE7 should display the meta data in your channel
and its items if the XML is well formed. This is the fastest and easiest way
I can think of to confirm iTunes sucks (or your XML sucks) and you might be
better off focusing on Media RSS anyway.

I'm developing an application myself. Did you decide to shred the data from
the XML files into SQL Server?

<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT

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