RRAS and Passive FTP.



Hi all,
I want to use RRAS Basic Firewall /NAT for an extra layer of port blocking
and have configured everything except I cannot work out how to allow for
passive FTP. Passive FTP basically requires that a large range of outgoing
ports is open on the IP used for FTP. However i cannot find anyway to allow
all outgoing or a port range within RRAS. Does anyone know how to do this?
Thanks in advance for any input.


Thanks for the reply, i realise i can edit IIS to restrict the ports but i
still willl need about 2000 open to allow for this busy server. I started
the Aplication layer gateway but it made no difference. Passive FTP was
still blocked by RRAS. Do you have a link to a specific kbase related to
passive FTP and RRAS or anything that can help me? Thanks again.

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