RPC termination



When I'm connected to the net I can only be so
for 2 minutes or so and then there comes a message:

"Windows has to shut down due to an unexpected
termination of the remote procedure call"

(or something like that) and there's a countdown which
starts from 1 minute, after that XP reboots.
What am I gonna do? Please mail me
I'd be greatful for any suggestions.


So what rock did you just crawl out from under. This is a
known virus problem and if you were not so GD lazy to do a
little search in this NG you would have found your
answer. So until you research this yourself a bit you are
getting what you deserve.



Seems to me you got a virus !
Here's what you do:

1. Disconnect the computer from the internet and from
other computers.

2. Reboot.

3. Disable System Restore:
- Right click on My Computer
- System Restore
- Check the check box
- OK

4. Prevent the computer from rebooting because of a RPC
- Start
- Run
- Write "services.msc" in the edit box
- OK
- Double-click on "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)"
- Click on Recovery
- Choose "Take no action" from all the combo boxes
- OK
- Close the window

5. Close the door for new instances of this virus (and
- Connect to the internet
- Download and install:
- Reboot

6. Remove the virus:
- Connect to the internet
- Download and run:

7. Update your antivirus software.

8. Reboot

9. Just to be sure, run again the fixblast tool.
This should fix the problem !


So mellow your ass out CT some people don't know what to
do and are looking for help. Not to be put down. GET A
LIFE. Why are you affraid to post your email address?
Scared of getting death threats or a virus. T

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