RPC in XP SP2 access denied


Bryan Jones


I am getting access denied messages on RPC calls in XP
SP2. I have the RestrictRemoteClients and
EnableAuthEpResolution registry keys set to 1. If I set
them both to 0 then all works fine, and I query whether
the call is authenticated using the
RpcBindingInqAuthClient() method and it says that it is
authenticated. Yet as soon as I put both registry keys to
1 all of the calls fail.

Any help much appreciated!

Bryan Jones

Richard G. Harper

Your best bet is to ask this in one of the XP SP2 Beta support newsgroups,
where they work with it every day.


I have also found this problem with a asp.net application of mine and does
this mean a major recode to work with the rpc restriction in sp2?



I have a similar problem. Here is the poop.

I am testing the XP clients on an SBS2000 LAN. Typical client is an AMD box
with 1GB RAM running Win XP sp1 with all patches through 9/21/04. The test
box had ISA sp2 Firewall client, the Symantec Corporate AntiVirus 9.0
client, the version that DOES have the fix for sp2,
and was running normally in a production environment prior to the install of
sp2. Installed sp2 from the MSDN Universal CD using local admin account and
observed that the install itself appeared to run to a normal conclusion but
that numerous services that were configured for automatic startup were not
running. Chief among these was the RPC service. Attempting to start this
service from the Services applet produces the error Permission Denied.
Naturally, since so many other services are dependent on the RPC, many other
problems exist on the test box. And, I am unable to uninstall sp2 and am
looking at the possibility of having to rebuild the machine from scratch.

My chief question is: How do I need to configure NTFS permissions to get
this box back again? At the moment user Everyone has read and execute
permissions on the entire drive on which XP is installed. Secondary question
is: How would I uninstall sp2?



As Far as I can tell, ASP.NET(VB.NET) applications, even using impersonation
the authenication in the RPC Call is Anonymous, this is why setting the
registry keys to 0 it works Im unsure as to the solution for this any help
would be useful


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