Row = Application.Caller.Row


Charles Woll

I have 2 functions which call Row = Application.Caller.Row
The 2nd function bombs at this line. Any ideas?

\\ ~ ~ //
( @ @ )
Charlie Woll

Bob Phillips

Does your caller have a row property?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Charles Woll

I am sorry, but I do not know what you mean. I am not very skilled at this.

Bob Phillips

Well, you are using the Caller property? What is it that is triggering this
code, that is what is the calling object? Some, such as a shape, don't have
a Row property, so that code would fail.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Charles Woll

I have created worksheet function =avgpts() It gathers in scores that are
in a row coresponding to an individual week by week. The function avgpts()
calculates the best 7 of 10 scores by getting scores from right to left in
the spredsheet. I use Application.Caller.Row to tell the vb program what
row i am calculating and .column to telll it what column I am starting in.
This works.
Next I added another sheet to the workbook and copied the data from the
avgpts sheet and substituted a slightly revised vb program with the function
=GHIN() to convert the entered scores to USGA handicap scores. I needed to
use the same Application.Caller.Row and Application.Caller.Column to
determine starting point in the program.. The program in the debugger will
not go past Application.Caller.Row.

If I copy sheet to a new workbook, the function works. It does not like to
be married to the similar function in the same workbook.

Function Ghin()
' Ghin Macro
' Macro recorded 2/25/2005 by Charles Woll
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Row = 0
Col = 0

Total_plays = 10
Used_Plays = 8
Row = Application.Caller.Row
Col = Application.Caller.Column
i = 0
Cnt = 0
tot = 0
AvgPts = 0
FirstColumn = Range("First_Column").Column
Dim CellValue(10)

For i = 0 To 10 ' initialize CellValue
to 0
CellValue(i) = 0
Next i

For i = Col - 1 To FirstColumn + 1 Step -1 'steps from last to 1st

If Cells(Row, i) <> "" Then
Cnt = Cnt + 1 'count cells with data
CellValue(Cnt - 1) = Cells(Row, i) 'Keep a total of
columns with data

End If

If i = FirstColumn + 1 Then ' last column with
GoTo Sort
End If

If Cnt = Total_plays Then
GoTo Sort
End If
Next i

For j = 0 To Cnt - 2
For k = j + 1 To Cnt - 1
If CellValue(j) = "" Then GoTo SumLowestPlays
If CellValue(k) = "" Then GoTo NextJ
If CellValue(j) > CellValue(k) Then
temp = CellValue(j)
CellValue(j) = CellValue(k)
CellValue(k) = temp
End If
Next k
Next j


For i = 0 To Used_Plays - 1
tot = tot + CellValue(i)
Next i

If Cnt >= Used_Plays Then Ghin = tot / Used_Plays Else Ghin = tot / Cnt
Ghin = Ghin * 0.96

Exit Function

Ghin = "ERR"
Exit Function

End Function

Charles Woll

May I ask another question. When using vb 6.3 help in excel the index and
answer wizard panes are not accessable! When I move the mouse into those
boxes, it turns into a horizontal double arrow. The one you get to resize a
window horizontally. This really limits what I can learn from the help
system. Is this normal, or do I have a problem?

Bob Phillips

No it is not just you, I get it all the time.

My workaround is to shutdown Excel, then go to the Task Manager and
terminate msohelp.exe.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Charles Woll

The problem is in the line AvgPts = 0
Since I have a custom function AvgPts() in the workbook, It appears that
AvgPts is a reserve word. Changing this statement to Ghin = 0, which is the
variable in the new routine, the procedure works.
Thanks for all your help. Where do you live in England?

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