Routing and Remote Access Idle Timeout


Natalie Polanco

I tried posting this in server setup however I didn't get a response..
Hopefully I can get one here! If this is the wrong place, let me know.


Where can I set the idle time-out for vpn connections? Some of my users log
into our vpn and stay connected for days - not doing anything. I would like
a timeout after 4 hours. How
do I set this? We have a W2K Server SP3. All clients connecting are W2K Pro.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I'm not mistaken, it's a registry
key but I can't seem to locate it.

Thanks in advance,

Steven L Umbach

In rras management console, go to remote access policies. You will have at least on
default policy there. Select edit profile, and in dial in constraints you can set
maximum amount of idle time. I believe you can also set an idle limit in the client
vpn connectoid properties --- Steve

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