Rounding up to next dime

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Looking for help today


The formula above is one I use to take my costs from an FOB worksheet and to
create a sell sheet for my sales staff on a different worksheet. This formula
works great but I am looking for a way to take the results of this formula
and have that result to round up to the nearest $.10. For example in this
formula, if a single widget costs me $.08 the formula takes that cost times
67 (the number of widgets in a sleeve) for a cost of $5.36. Then it adds
$6.25 for shipping and handling for a total of $11.61. What I want to do is
to add on to this formula in such a way that the selling price would round up
to the next dime for a selling price of $11.70.
Currently, the way the formula is set up, if no cost is entered on the fob
worksheet , then the sell price would be blank. I messed around and was able
to move this formula to a hidden cell and then take that result and came up
with a formula to round up on my sell sheet. That is ok, but the problem I
run into is that when no fob cost is loaded I get the #VALUE in the cell of
the salesperson sheet and I am trying to get to when no FOB cost is loaded
that cell would remain blank.
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