Rounding Errors



Hello all!

I have a rounding issue. I have numbers that are stored in an array a
singles. I want to round them to 1 decimal place "00.0". The way
usually round is like this:

Sub test()
MsgBox (Int(50.599 * 10) * 0.1 & " " & 50.6)
End Sub

But try this yourselves and you will see that the message box says 50.

Does anyone know a better method of accuratly rounding

Harald Staff

Sub test()
MsgBox Round(50.599, 1)
MsgBox CLng(50.599 * 10) / 10
End Sub

HTH. Best wishes Harald

Tushar Mehta

Check XL VBA help for the Int function and you will see why the
software works as intended.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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