Rounding Errors Help



Is there any way to display a rounded number in a cell, but use th
original unrounded number when other cells reference that cell in
calculation? It would be a pain to use the components of the rounde
cell in the calculation in which i would need the unrounded number.

I need a function that displays a rounded number, but uses th
unrounded number in calculations

Dave O

In any cell if you enter the formula =1/3 you'll get a response
0.333333333 with as many recurring 3s as you can stand to see: widen
the cell and you'll see a ton of them, etc. The cell's value is
0.33333 with infinite recurring 3s.

You can use formatting to *display* as many 3s as you prefer, but the
cell value is 0.33333 with infinite recurring 3s unless you tell it
otherwise. For instance, you can force Excel to round to a particular
number of decimal places with the ROUND() function or one of its
variations: then, the cell's value is whatever you alter it to be.

So from what I can see you don't really have a problem: the displayed
representation of the value is one thing, but the actual cell value is
another. As a test, copy the cell in question and paste it as value
only to an unformatted cell. This will display the cell's values with
all decimal places.


mattflow said:
Is there any way to display a rounded number in a cell, but use the
original unrounded number when other cells reference that cell in a

If I understand your question correctly, that is the normal
behavior of Excel when you format the cell as Number with,
say, 0 decimal places. Do not use any function like ROUND().

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