rounddown + if function



have if function that I need to rounddown the results for, which are in
percentage format. function says 'if cell x is empty,"no data",f123/f124' -
want the dividend to rounddown to 0 decimal places. can't seem to combine
=rounddown(if ...)

Mike H


INT rouns down so you can use this but 0.9 rouns to zero but that the same
as zero decimal places. Also you don't say where cell X is

=IF(A1="","No Data",INT(F123/F124))



I beleive you can do it. This is how you would need to enter the formula
into the "Value if false" box. (ROUNDDOWN(B11/B12,0))


I neglected to explain in enough detail perhaps:

The Fxxx cell reference in the IF formula is dependent on another cell
reference. The IF function reads:
IF(F199=0,"NO DATA",F199/F200)

In F199 the following formula is present:
=F242, where F242 is a total of possible points tallied in that cell.

Using the formula presented in your post returns a zero value in the cell
regardless of what F199/F200 is.

=ROUNDDOWN(IF(F199=0,"NO DATA",F199/F200),0) = ZERO (blank cell), or

=ROUNDDOWN(IF(ISBLANK(F199),"NO DATA",F199/F200),0) = ZERO (blank cell).

Is that because F199 is actual the F242 reference?


Hi - thanks. But this returns a ZERO value in the destination cell,
regardless of what f.../f... is.

Viz: =IF(F199="","NO DATA",ROUNDDOWN(F199/F200,0)). That doesn't change if I
do F199=0 or =anything-else. I'm thinking the problem might be that the value
of F199 is actually a reference to: =F242, where F242 is a total tallied from
another series of calculations. Oh what a tangled web, ey? Any further input
or clarification? Water is a solution. So far this is not. :)

For more info, please see response to LUKE's orig response.


Luke M

Is the value of F200 GREATER than F199? (Your calculating a percentage)
If so, a percentage is actually a decimal number, thus you need to change
formula to:
=ROUNDDOWN(IF(ISBLANK(F124),"no data",F123/F124),2)

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