Rollup Restart,Logoff,shoutdown problem occur with startup DLL



I have a dll which is specfied under software\microsoft\windows NT\current
version\winlogon\Notify . That is working fine with XPe SP2 image and also in
FP 2007 image. When i build the image with Rollup 1 updated image , The
Logoff,shutdown and restart are not working. The shutdown and restart working
fine from the welcome screen.

When i remove the entry of that dll under the Notify ,it works fine. Hope
there is an error occured during rollup. Can anyone help me.

Thaks you,


hello KM,

i find out after a long process and get the registry entry which made me fool.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IMM]

when i delete the LoadIMM entry , the log off ,shutdown ,restart problems
are solved.

Can u say a method to debug it easily or give a link for that. I used the
trial and error method and finded out the solution . I hope which wont help
me always.

thank you,

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