Rmtshare Output



I'm trying to use the rmtshare utility (output below) and
a for statement to parse out just the share name but am
having troubles because 1. The name is variable and may
or may not include spaces. 2. The resource path may be
D:\ E:\ F:\ but I can't seem to specify these strings as

Any ideas?

Share name Resource Remark

Jerold Schulman

I'm trying to use the rmtshare utility (output below) and
a for statement to parse out just the share name but am
having troubles because 1. The name is variable and may
or may not include spaces. 2. The resource path may be
D:\ E:\ F:\ but I can't seem to specify these strings as

Any ideas?

Share name Resource Remark

ShareName D:\FolderName Comment Data
ShareName With Spaces
E:\NewName Another
The output of RMTSHARE is columnular

@echo off
set fnd="The command completed successfully."
for /f "Skip=4 Tokens=*" %%a in ('rmtshare \\JSI001^|Findstr /V %fnd%') do (
set line=%%a
set shr=!line:~0,13!##
set rsc=!line:~13,32!##
set rmk=!line:~45!##
set shr=!shr: =!
set shr=!shr: ##=!
set shr=!shr:##=!
set rsc=!rsc: =!
set rsc=!rsc: ##=!
set rsc=!rsc:##=!
set rmk=!rmk: =!
set rmk=!rmk: ##=!
set rmk=!rmk:##=!
@echo Share=!shr!
@echo Resce=!rsc!
@echo Remrk=!rmk!

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.


Hi Jerold

Sincere thanks. This is certainly close to working.
Where do the values 13,32,45 come from? Am I supposed to
replace them with values 'appropriate' for our servers?
i.e., We have shares whose names exceeds 13 characters -
do I replace 13 with the longest share name we have?
-----Original Message-----
The output of RMTSHARE is columnular

@echo off
set fnd="The command completed successfully."
for /f "Skip=4 Tokens=*" %%a in ('rmtshare
\\JSI001^|Findstr /V %fnd%') do (

Jerold Schulman

See tip 9102 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at http://www.jsiinc.com for an updated script and explanation.
There is no need to update anything in the new script.
The script does assume that there is no spaces in a computer name or a share name.

Hi Jerold

Sincere thanks. This is certainly close to working.
Where do the values 13,32,45 come from? Am I supposed to
replace them with values 'appropriate' for our servers?
i.e., We have shares whose names exceeds 13 characters -
do I replace 13 with the longest share name we have?
-----Original Message-----

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

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