RIS Stop Error 0x000000BB



I am trying to Deploy an XP SP2 client from a 2003 RIS Server. The
machine gets to the windows setup stage, hands for about 15 seconds and
then comes up with the blue screen stop error 0x000000BB initializing
the network card.

The Network card is a Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Drivers for Windows

I have tried to RIS different machines and they come up with the same
stop error

I have tried to use a previous version of network card driver for this

I have upgraded the BIOS to the latest version.

I have also Modified the b57win32 as below and copied into the i386

a. Remove the [Broadcom] section (see the following example):
%OEM1_DEV5% = OEM1_DEV5.Inst, PCI
%BCM5750B0F% = BCM5750B0MF.Inst, PCI

b. Remove NTx86.5.1 in two locations (see the following example).
Original Revised
[Manufacturer] [Manufacturer]
%BRCM% = Broadcom, NTx86.5.1 %BRCM% = Broadcom

[Broadcom.NTx86.5.1] [Broadcom]

Does anyone have any other suggestions that I can try to resolve this



George, the only credible information I have been able to find on this
issue was posted in HP's forums. I have copied it here for you:


"For some reason it has something to do with the dhcp server timing or
the way it responses, our domain is w2k and the ris server 2k3. The ris
clients have to get their ip's from the w2k domain controller.

We tested the same situation and installed an additional dhcp server
onto the ris server and the 0x000000BB errors are gone."

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