Right click on rows and columns does not give menu



When I right click on the row numbers and column letters, I do not get the
menu pop up. I had the same issue with not being able to right click on
cells and tabs - but got those fixed by resetting code in VBE. Does anyone
know code to fix the rows and column menu?

Gord Dibben

Try this.

Sub asdfgh()
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Jim Rech

This enables all commandbars/menus:

Sub EnableAllCBs()
Dim CB As CommandBar
For Each CB In CommandBars
CB.Enabled = True
End Sub

| When I right click on the row numbers and column letters, I do not get the
| menu pop up. I had the same issue with not being able to right click on
| cells and tabs - but got those fixed by resetting code in VBE. Does
| know code to fix the rows and column menu?

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