right click locks up windows explorer



I have a wierd problem, when I right click on a folder the menu pops up just
fine, but when I right-click on a file windows explorer hangs and the
context menu doesn't ever show up. I have performed a repair install, made
sure all updates were installed, and ran sfc, all to no avail. Could it be a
corruption in the registry? if so what key is effected by the right click



Just a wild guess...I restored to a point before I
installed Windows Update KB828028 (installed 2/10), and
the problem went away. You could try uninstalling this
hot fix and seeing what happens after rebooting.

Richard Hammond

I had a similar problem (posted here last week) where whenever I right
clicked on a file it would take approx 30-40 seconds for the menu box to
surface. Sometimes it would not surface. Problem was never resolved here in
the group but I found some help doing a Google search which suggested doing
the MSCONFIG. Shutting down the services I found that turning off DHCP
eliminated my right click problem but it also eliminated my LAN! Perservered
and found that disabling "windows images acquisition" also would normalize
the right click.
While searching for a clue to my problem I saw several references to SFC
which I ran but have no idea what the result is telling me. It says X number
of files checked, X number of files not checked, and 14 files unverified.
Aaron, you mentioned that you ran the SFC. Can you shed some light on what
this tool accomplishes?
Just a wild guess...I restored to a point before I
installed Windows Update KB828028 (installed 2/10), and
the problem went away. You could try uninstalling this
hot fix and seeing what happens after rebooting.


SFC is supposed to check the integrity of the system files. Basically it
looks to make sure the system files are the same version as when the system
was first built. The log files for sfc don't give much detail. I am going to
try and check MSCONFIG. Along the line of your dhcp problem I noticed that
when using regmon from http://www.sysinternal.com when the network icon is
displayed in the system tray windows explorer accesses the registry
constantly, might be a correlation.

thanks for the reply.


Richard Hammond

Your welcome. Perhaps a better way to access the Services would be to go:
Start/Run/Services.msc. Still looking for a solution to the problem that
does not require disabling various services - that does not seem to be the
right approach! Thanks for the info re the SFC. I am trying to get the
wife's computer as clean as possible so I can image the drive for backup
purposes. Let me know what your final result is.

SFC is supposed to check the integrity of the system files. Basically it
looks to make sure the system files are the same version as when the system
was first built. The log files for sfc don't give much detail. I am going to
try and check MSCONFIG. Along the line of your dhcp problem I noticed that
when using regmon from http://www.sysinternal.com when the network icon is
displayed in the system tray windows explorer accesses the registry
constantly, might be a correlation.

thanks for the reply.


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