RichTextBox Table Borders



I'm working with a RichTextBox control and am loading the following rtf
into it.

{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss Arial;}

\pard\intbl {\b Name}\cell
\pard\intbl\qc {\b C1}\cell
\pard\intbl\qc {\b C2}\cell
\pard\intbl\qc {\b C3}\cell
\pard\intbl Full Name\cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl\qc \cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl Full Name 2\cell
\pard\intbl\qc \cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl Full Name 3\cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl\qc X\cell
\pard\intbl\qc \cell

Based on what Word, Wordpad, and Open Office Writer are showing there
is no cell border which is correct. But in the RichTextBox control the
borders are displayed black. I've even colored the borders and nothing
changed. I need the hide the borders of the table/rows/cells in the
richtextbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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