RichText in continuous form




I have Found on Stephen's Leban Web site some very interesting examples
integrating Rich Text to be diplayed on forms or reports.

As I do not know how to modify these exemple in order to have the following
property, I would be happy if someone could help me.

I would like be able to have some Rich text in a memo designed in the detail
section of a form in continuous mode.
As it does not work directly, I imagine having in my form a Text zone
showing like an ordinary memo field my text, and when I dble click on it
open a form showing the RichText version.

Many thanks for helping me to solve my problem

best regards


Stephen Lebans

You cannot use ActiveX controls in a form set to Continuous view. THere
is no workaround.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Thank you for answering me Stephen

It is precisely because it is not possible to use ActiveX control in a
continuous form that I am trying to imagine an other solution.

Your exemple RixhTextClipboard is quite close from what I am looking for: In
your "CreateRichtext" Form you display
RixhText in the "txtPlainText" text zone (after clicking), without RichText
enhancement like in a classic memo field.

I would like to have such a "txtPlainText" in a continuous view form in
order to be able to read the contend of my "Rich text / memo"
from a table (even if it is limited to 256 caraters) like an ordinary memo
field in Access.
To have the full use/functionallity of a memo selected on the form my idea
was to open another form in a simple mode to be able to view and write with
full rich text functionnality.
Do you think it is possible ?

best regards

Stephen Lebans

If I understand you correctly, just stick an RTF control on a seperate
form. From the Double Click event of the TextBox bound to the Memo field
on the form set to Continuous view, simply popup the RTF form passing
the current Memo field's contents to the unbound RTF control.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Yes correct
The key point is to convert every "RTF text" of the TextBox in order to be
read, like you have done with your GetText function on the txtPlainText.


Stephen Lebans

I do not understand your statement Alain. WHy would yo have to convert
every "RTF text" of the TextBox in order to be read?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Because otherwise you will prompt such a text:
{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\uc1\pard\ulnone\f0\fs20 Test \cf1\b RTF a \cf2 different \cf3 record\par
Instead of
"Test RTF a different record"



Hello Stephen

I imagine you are still there
Because I won't be able to read/answer newsgroup this week, let me summarize
my question.

I have an application with a form set to continuous whith a TextBox linked
to a memo field of my Table.
I would like to "stick an RTF control on a seperate form. From the Double
Click event of the TextBox bound to the Memo
field on the form set to Continuous view, simply popup the RTF form passing
the current Memo field's contents to the unbound RTF control"

A key point is to visualize the text (without any rich text functionnality)
in the memo box, and to visualize the text with "full Reach Text
functionnality" in the RTF form in both following cases:
- the contend of my TextBox (ie memo field in the source table )is a
"non rich text" text (Exemple : "Test RTF a different record)
- the contend of my TextBox (ie meom field in th source table) is a
"Rich Text" text (Exemple : "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0
\deflang1033 {\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0
\uc1\pard\ulnone\f0\fs20 Test \cf1\b RTF a \cf2 different \cf3 record\par}"

Let me know if you need more explanations

I thing it could be a good solution to have the benefits of your RTF control
in a continuous form

best regards

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