Revised formula question


Sharon D.

I guess I haven't explained my first questions very well. The answer
will vary depending on what amount the formula is being calculated
against. The answer will not always be same. I need to have a formula
that calculates commission on the first $1500 and not any additional
money on anything over $1500. So if a person raises $1300. The
percentage is .034 - the commission would be $44.20.

If a person raises 1500. the percentage is still .034 the commission
would be $51.00.

If the person raises 1600, the percentage is .034 for the first $1500
and the commission is still $51.00 because he doesn't get paid on the
extra $100 over

I need a formula that calcuates commission of the first $1500 and not
any additional money on anything over $1500.


....The IF formula below is the only thing that will work. the "MIN" formulas
mentioned will hold the sales value at 1500.

JE McGimpsey


The IF and MIN formulae return exactly the same results. Did you try

Ron Rosenfeld

...The IF formula below is the only thing that will work. the "MIN" formulas
mentioned will hold the sales value at 1500.

Why do you write that?

The MIN formula will return the lesser of the sales value or 1500, which is
what the OP wrote she wanted.


....I tried the MIN and found that it doesn't account for amounts under 1500.
If you had say, 1385, instead of giving you 1385*.034, it would give you


Sorry guys, I must have typed it incorrectly... it does work. At any rate,
Sharon will never know that either of them works until she tries it.

JE McGimpsey

Then you entered either the formula or the 1385 incorrectly. Did you by
chance enter:

=MIN(A1, 1500*0.034)

instead of

=MIN(A1, 1500) * 0.034



I think you have your cell formatted as "percentage", format your cel
as Currency or Accounting.


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