Review this if function please.....



I know it looks kind of bad but it is an IF function (7 of them) that reads
the value of a column in a worksheet that has 7 columns and puts it in a
specific cell in another work sheet, not a big deal, but it has worked for
me, but if two columns have the same cost code it will only bring in the info
from the first column that has that same cost code, 2 are my questions first:
can I make it any shorter? and is there a way of summing up the info of all
the columns that have the same cost code it could be in two, three up two 7

=IF(A4='Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$D$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$E$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$F$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$G$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$H$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$I$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$J$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$K$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$L$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$M$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$N$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$O$41,IF(A4='Foreman''s
DTC(1)'!$P$12,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!$Q$41,"0")))))))


Don Guillett

Modify this idea to suit from my test below
change to your sheet name


what is the 14:14 and the 41:41 specifying? in my case should it be D12 or
should I use the 12:12? the cell from which I want the info is merged could
that be a problem?.....

this is how I got the formula written down in the cell and it gives me a
#REF! error

=INDEX('Foreman''s DTC(1)'!D12,0,MATCH(A4,'Foreman''s DTC(1)'!D12:Q12)*2+5)

Don Guillett

Try it the way I wrote it ONLY changing sheet name
BTW your sheet naming convention SUCKS. Try something like
the 12:12 is row 12..................... and 41:41 is row 41......... from
YOUR example
If all else fails you may send your workbook to my address below

Don Guillett




didn't work 100% it brings different info from different cells, some work
some don't. I will send you the example...thanks Don

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