Reversing Upgrade



I have a Win2K upgraded to win2K3 for about 2 weeks now, but would like to
reverse the upgrade so that the system is back with win2K OS. I made a
full-backup of the system before upgrading, however, most of the applications
on the systems have had modifications due to their daily usage since the

My idea of reversing the upgrade is by restoring the WINNT directory and the
SytemState from the full-bakcup prior to the upgrade. I only want to reverse
the OS and not the changes made on application level. The application have
their respective directories under the "Program Files"

My question is, would this be an optimal procedure or there is other ways to
go about it.


Frank Szita [MSFT]

As long as you are restoring only WINNT and systemstate then none of the
other 3rd party programs should be affected unless changes have been made
in the registry.

Best regards,

Frank Szita [MSFT]

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