Reverse Crosstab issue



Hi everyone,

I am hitting a brick wall!

I have been trying to "flatten" a Table generated by a Maketable query
based on a Crosstab query...
The reason behind it is to provide a Crosstab like form for users to
enter data and then flatten it and append the edited file into a
separate table for further reporting.

I have browse several forum and only managed to get a piece of code
that "should" make my dream come true but I keep getting an Error
3265: Item not found in this collection??

My crosstab si generated daily and will have a different set of column
heading each time Possibly.. hence the impossibility to use a union
query since the columns aren't set...

My crosstab/Table looks like below:

Colour | S | M | L | XL | etc.
BLACK | 2 | 1 | 4 | 0 | etc.

And idealy I would like to end up with a table like below:
Colour | Size | Qty |
BLACK | S | 2 |

Here is the code I have been trying to use on a form with the Table/
Crosstab in a subform for edition:

Function CrossToLinear(CrossTableName, NumRowFields, ColumnFieldName,
ValueFieldName) As Boolean ' result is success/failure indicator

' Use this for reconverting from crosstab format table.
' Assumes that (row fields + column field) are unique in the
output Table , ie
' the original crosstab had only one record contributing to
' Assumes that the input table (crosstab table) is in the form:
' all the row heading fields first (NumRowfields of them)
' then the columns.
' Creates an output table in the format:
' all the row heading fields
' then the column heading field
' then the value field
' Example
'CrossTable has fields and values
'Person, Project, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr ...
'Fred, Holidays, 3,0,0,5, ...
'result = CrossToLinear("CrossTable",2,"Month","Days")
'Output table has fields and values
'Person, Project, Month, Days
'Fred, Holidays, Jan, 3
'Fred, Holidays, Apr, 5
' ...

Dim CurrentDatabase As Database
Dim LinearTableName$
Dim LinearTableDef As TableDef ' for output table
Dim LinearTableSet As Recordset
Dim CrossTableDef As TableDef ' for input table
Dim CrossTableSet As Recordset
Dim myfield As Field, myfield2 As Field
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim record_started As Boolean

On Error GoTo myerror

Set CurrentDatabase = DBEngine(0)(0)
LinearTableName$ = CrossTableName & "_Lin"
'Create new TableDef object. Delete first if already there
On Error Resume Next
CurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Delete LinearTableName
On Error GoTo myerror
Set LinearTableDef =
'Open input table def to get details of row and value field
Set CrossTableDef = CurrentDatabase.TableDefs(CrossTableName)
For i = 0 To NumRowFields - 1
' Create output Field object:
Set myfield2 = CrossTableDef.Fields(i) 'temp
Set myfield = LinearTableDef.CreateField(myfield2.Name,
myfield2.Type, myfield2.Size)
LinearTableDef.Fields.Append myfield
Next i
'now add column heads field
Set myfield = LinearTableDef.CreateField(ColumnFieldName, dbText,
' 50 for example
LinearTableDef.Fields.Append myfield
'now add value field
Set myfield2 = CrossTableDef.Fields(NumRowFields) 'temp
Set myfield = LinearTableDef.CreateField(ValueFieldName,
myfield2.Type, myfield2.Size)
LinearTableDef.Fields.Append myfield
CurrentDatabase.TableDefs.Append LinearTableDef

' Open output table
Set LinearTableSet =
CurrentDatabase.OpenRecordset(LinearTableName, DB_OPEN_DYNASET)

' Open input table
Set CrossTableSet = CurrentDatabase.OpenRecordset(CrossTableName,

'if there are any records
If Not (CrossTableSet.BOF And CrossTableSet.EOF) Then
record_started = False
Do Until CrossTableSet.EOF 'for each record in crosstableset
For j = NumRowFields To CrossTableSet.Fields.Count - 1
'(for each crosstab column field)
Set myfield = CrossTableSet.Fields(j)
If IsNull(myfield.Value) Then
'ignore null entries
'Add data to linear table
If Not record_started Then
' Prepare new record.
record_started = True
For k = 0 To NumRowFields - 1
'copy all the row fields
LinearTableSet.Fields(k) =
Next k
End If
'now set the column field value
LinearTableSet.Fields(NumRowFields) = myfield.Name
'now set the value field value
LinearTableSet.Fields(ValueFieldName) =
End If
' Save record.
If record_started Then
record_started = False
End If
Next j
End If
CrossToLinear = True
Exit Function

MsgBox "Error in CrossToLinear, number " & Err.Number & ": " &
CrossToLinear = False
'may leave things open!
Exit Function

End Function

Any help/other suggestion maybe is appreciated



Have one crosstab for your display.
Have a second crostab forced to always have the same columns with an "IN"
In the PIVOT line of the SQL edit it to look like this ---
PIVOT Sale.Size IN("S", "M", "L", "XL", "2X", "3X", "XS");

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