Returning the Last modified date of a sheet that is currently open



I am making a program that will open a quote and put it into a directory. If
information from the quote is allready in the directory, the program compares
the date that is given in the quote. In some cases the date is the same but
the modifyied date is the same. I am using the code shown below, however if
the sheet is open the last modifyied date becomes todays date. I changed the
program so that it closes the sheet without saveing and the problem is fixed.
Is it possible to keep the sheet open and return the last modifyied date?
If not, is there a way to reopen the last file that was closed with ease?

StrFileLocalDirectory = "C:\..."
strFileName = "Quote 1" ' Changes as the user selects different quotes
test1 = FileDateTime(StrFileLocalDirectory & strFileName)
test2 = FileDateTime(StrFileDatabaseDirectory & strFileName)
If test1 > test2 Then ' If the modifyied date of the file in the database is
older than the one the user is trying to incert, replace the file in the


If I save it, the new modified date will be today. My goal is to compare two
files that have the same name and similar properties. I would like to keep
the file that has the most recent modified date. Is there a way to return
the last modified date without closing either file?

Bob Phillips

Not sure I get what you want, but maybe this will help

Function DocProps(prop As String)
On Error GoTo err_value
DocProps = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties _
Exit Function
DocProps = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function

and enter in a cell such as
=DocProps ("last author")
=DocProps ("last save time")


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


I apologize, I was too vague with my description. Disregarding everything
that I said before, is it possible to make a macro that will tell the user
the last modified date of the excel file that they are looking at? I also
have another question, how can I program around someone closing an input box?
(See code)

UserName = InputBox("Please insert your full user name")
If UserName = False Then ‘If someone closes the input box or hits cancel
End If

Bob Phillips

The UDF I provide previously will give you the last modified date of the
current file, just use as described.

On the other point

UserName = InputBox("Please insert your full user name")
If UserName = False Then
MsgBox "Supply a name"
End If
Loop Until UserName <> False


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)


I tried this code, when I hit cancel or the close button it just closes the
input box. Is there something that I am doing wrong?

Bob Phillips

Sorry, I continued your logic errir

Dim UserName
UserName = InputBox("Please insert your full user name")
If UserName = "" Then
MsgBox "Supply a name"
End If
Loop Until UserName <> ""


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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