Returning Row Totals for each record entry



Reports: The following fields are in the Details Section: [Name] [Date]
[Dressing] [Feeding] [Personal Hygiene]. The [Dressing] [Feeding] and
[Personal Hygiene] fields are combo boxes with a value list of 0 1 2 3 4
respectively. (Have I committed the cardinal sin of using ‘Lookup Fields’?)
In Forms I enter a new (rating) record for a name that belongs to an
existing table (relationships), the date, and then select the value rating
from the drop-down list in each of the three combo fields.
What I want the report to achieve is this: Return a row total for each
record entry (not a field column total). Any suggestions?

Jeff Boyce


Access "reserves" many words/terms. Using any of these can cause you and/or
Access confusion. Among these reserved words are "Name" and "Date" -- I'd
first recommend that you change the names of these fields.

Next, combo box controls have no meaning/use in reports. Reports only
display the underlying data (from a query or table).

If your underlying table is using Lookup Fields as a field type, you may be
encountering some of the confusion that you seem to already be aware of.

I'm not clear what you mean by "a row total"? Are you saying that
[Dressing], [Feeding], and [Personal Hygiene] each/all contain the same
"thing"? And that you are trying to sum across, rather than down?

If so, you have a good design ... for a spreadsheet! But Access is a
relational database -- the "Totals" queries available in Access only work
for "down" data. If you have "committed spreadsheet" on Access, you'll find
you have a lot of extra work(-around) to do, instead of using the built-in
features/functions. Consider re-designing your table structure to make it
well-normalized, if this is the case.

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