Return entries from one named range based on the contents of another


Sam Crump

I have a list of contacts in a named range. In another named ranged i
have the date if one of the contacts has returned a questionnaire:

Name Questionnaire Returned?
Joe Bloggs 02/02/06
Alan Simple
Billy Carntdo excel
Miffy The Cat 01/03/06

On a seperate sheet I'd like a list (without spaces) of all those who
havent returned their survey yet (i.e. Alan S and Billy Carntdo above).
I'd like this list to update as I enter dates for survey returns.
Is their anyway of doing this, I have been fiddling with CSE formulas
and named range intercepts all morning please help!


I would just use the Data > Filter > AutoFilter feature and select Custom
from the date column and enter "greater than" 0
It will filter all those with a name and a date..........
To return to normal, just do Data > Filter > Sutofilter's a

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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