Return data from corresponding range



I have a table which represents ranges of postal codes. Column A holds the
bottom of the range, while column B holds the top of the range. For example
in A1, I have A0A, and in B1 I have A0O. This represents the range of all
postal codes from A0A to A0O. Column C and D hold data related to the postal
code range - specifically, the shipping zone.

I want to be able to input on another sheet any postal code (for example,
A0G), and have the spreadsheet return the data in column C and D for the
appropriate postal code range. I expect to have over 100 ranges.

Hope I have explained this clearly. I appreciate any help you can offer!!


Michael: Thsi is really very easy with VLOOKUP if the table is alphabetical.
You only need to index column A and make sure RANGELOOKUP is TRUE

col a col b
1 A0A A0O
2 A0P A0Z
3 A1A A1F
4 A1F A1G

=VLOOKUP("A0R",A1:D1000,3) to get data in column C
=VLOOKUP("A0R",A1:D1000,4) to get data in column D

VLOOKUP in searching for A0R will stop at row 2

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