Retrieving the DataItem property in DataList's ItemCommand or SelectedIndexChanged event


Nathan Sokalski

I have a custom Control that I have made that contains a DataList. In either
the ItemCommand or SelectedIndexChanged event I need to retrieve a value
from the DataItem of the SelectedItem. I have tried the following two

Private Sub datProductList_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataListCommandEventArgs) Handles
Me.selectedproduct = CInt(e.Item.DataItem("productid"))
End Sub

Private Sub datProductList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles datProductList.SelectedIndexChanged
Me.selectedproduct = CInt(CType(sender,
End Sub

Both attempts returned DataItem as Nothing. How can I get the value I need?
Am I forgetting something in my customcontrol? Am I supposed to be using
some other technique? Thanks.

Teemu Keiski


DataItem is non-null only in ItemDataBound e.g when dataBind() is called,
and list is being databound. But if you need the id, you can use DataKeys
for that. E.g basically set DataKeyField="productid" on the DataList

Then in ItemCommand

Me.selectedproduct = CInt( datProductList.DataKeys( e.Item.ItemIndex ) )

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