Retrieving data entered by user from Repeater Control



I have a data repeater control. Each row has set of <asp:net> controls.
DropDownList,TextBox and buttons. User can add new rows, delete excisting
rows and enter data.
When user is done entering data and submits the form (clicks "save" button)
what is the easiest way to retrieve all data stored in repeater control? Is
looping through Item collection the right way to go about it?
Thank you

John Saunders

WebMatrix said:
I have a data repeater control. Each row has set of <asp:net> controls.
DropDownList,TextBox and buttons. User can add new rows, delete excisting
rows and enter data.
When user is done entering data and submits the form (clicks "save"
what is the easiest way to retrieve all data stored in repeater control?
looping through Item collection the right way to go about it?


John Saunders

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