Retrieve only the record with the max value within more record withthe same FK

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nicola M
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Nicola M

Hi all! Access 2003

I'm trying to build a query to do what I wrote in the subject.
I have a table T_PEOPLE with a relation of 1 to many toward other
tables. Obviously, these tables can contain more than a record with the
FK of the T_PEOPLE.
I'm not able to extract, with a query that include both T_People and
T_ATableOnSideMany only one record for each IDPEOPLE I have in T_PEOPLE.
My experiment with first, max, top 1 etc don't work properly.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion or tip.

Nicola M
MGFoster ha scritto:
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Thank you fo the answer
Your problem definition is unclear. Perhaps this as the WHERE clause:

I have in T_PEOPLE n records.
Also, in T_PEOPLE_IDCARDS, I could have 1 or many records with the same
IDPEOPLE value. For example I could have 3 records in T_PEOPLE_IDCARDS
with the following data:
.... ... ...
146 100 17500
200 100 20200
235 100 23150

I need a selection query that extract from T_PEOPLE_IDCARD, for each
IDPEOPLE in T_PEOPLE, only the record with the max IDCARDKEY value in
the T_PEOPLE_IDCARDS table, i.e that the person own in this moment.
FROM TableManySide As S INNER JOIN ....
WHERE date_column = (SELECT MAX(date_column) FROM TableManySide

This type of query has been discussed many times on this newsgroup -
search Google groups for more examples.

I found some examples and theoretical articles about this issue but
notwithstanding all my attempts my queries don't work yet :-(

Nicola M