Result between dates.



I have the following,

A1=11/16/2007 11:39:00 AM
B1=11/18/2007 10:50:00 AM

How can I get C1 to give me the answer between B1-A1, a simple C1=B1-A1
won't work it gives me the anser 1/1/1900 11:11:00 PM. I want the answer to
say, 1 day 23:11 (which is the result between these two cells) and I also
want to be able to add the results from column C.

Can anyone help???


If you apply a custom format of [hh]:mm to the cell with the formula
you will get the result:


which can be added.

However, you could also apply this custom format:

d" days "hh:mm

which will give you this display:

1 days 23:11

and this can also be added.

Hope this helps.


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