restricting access to my computer



I have my son on a limited account, but with access to my
computer & windows explorer, he can navigate to the
program folder and start programs I am trying to keep him
from using.
I want to let him have one account witb unrestricted
access where he can only do homework. And another account
that when I am around, I can let him in to play.


To restrict access to files and folders in XP Home, you must be running NTFS
as your file system.

To enforce file and folder security, boot the computer in Safe Mode and log
in to the built-in Administrator account. Once there, open Windows
Explorer and locate the file/folder you wish to restrict. Right click and
select Properties. Go to the Security tab. Here you can add/remove Users
and Groups, and either grant access to the file/folder, or deny access to

Doug's Security Console

Disable or Enable Downloads per User in IE (Line 254) right hand side

Restrict Users from Running Specific Applications

Use Access Control to Restrict Who Can Use Files

Ronnie Vernon MVP

I have my son on a limited account, but with access to my
computer & windows explorer, he can navigate to the
program folder and start programs I am trying to keep him
from using.
I want to let him have one account witb unrestricted
access where he can only do homework. And another account
that when I am around, I can let him in to play.

Take a look at MVP Doug's Security Console.

Doug's Windows XP Security Console
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.

Karin Born

Hi Kelly, I am wondering if the question you replied to was posted by
really a father or by a clever son who wants to find out this way how his
father has restricted him just to put down the barrier of his father.

Some time ago, a son was asking about the same topic, but well, no luck, he
was quickly told to ask his father and not here. Disguised as father he has
obviously more luck. Smiles ... clever son. :)



I have no clue, Karin as I can't find the post you are speaking of that I
replied to nor do remember reading the previous one by the 'son'. That
said, I generally judge my answers by tone/verbiage, etc. Other than that,
yes, the computer users today are very smart. My own children, included.

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