Restrict Cached names "Suggest names while completing To ..."



"Suggest names.." is a really useful tool, but we find users occasionally
accidentally sending to wrong addresses. This is particularly problematic if
the wrong address is a distribution list. Is there a way to restrict the
cached names to exclude distribution lists. If not then is it possble to
exclude certain folders, so maybe anything in "Contacts" is included but you
create a new folder "ContactsNotCached" or whatever and anything there is

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

"Suggest names.." is a really useful tool, but we find users occasionally
accidentally sending to wrong addresses. This is particularly problematic if
the wrong address is a distribution list. Is there a way to restrict the
cached names to exclude distribution lists. If not then is it possble to
exclude certain folders, so maybe anything in "Contacts" is included but you
create a new folder "ContactsNotCached" or whatever and anything there is

No to both. The autocompletion feature has no connection to any contacts. It
just remembers the recipients you've used before. If you've used a DL before,
then change the DL, the cache can't know it. You need to remove the old
definition from the cache and re-resolve the new definition.

F.H. Muffman

"Suggest names.." is a really useful tool, but we find users occasionally
accidentally sending to wrong addresses. This is particularly problematic if
the wrong address is a distribution list. Is there a way to restrict the
cached names to exclude distribution lists. If not then is it possble to
exclude certain folders, so maybe anything in "Contacts" is included but you
create a new folder "ContactsNotCached" or whatever and anything there is

No, it's not possible.

All the NK2 file cares about is what address(es) were put on the To/CC/BCC

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