Restoring Emails after computer crash



I have Windows Vista, and Windows email on my laptop, which crashed
yesterday. I have made a backup of my files, but am finding it very
difficult to restore my emails to Windows Mail. Does anybody know how it can
be done? Thank you in advance for your help.

Cal Bear '66

Have you tried:

Menu (ALT if not visible) > File > Import > Messages > Microsoft Windows
Mail 7 > Browse

I Bleed Blue and Gold

hans ligthart

cannot delete or remove some mails out windows mail box
can you help me with this

hans (netherlands)

Nikolai Kidd

I tried that and WindowsMail for Vista does not seem to recognize those
messages , same with Outlook, etc. I tried all the options. Here is what I
did: I exported all my folders, with all info into a file. this shows up on
my backup drive as "Imported folder" and contains all my old folders and
email messages. i can see it in Windows Explorer. I can Import the Contacts,
no problem. After the crash, I wanted to get my emails back into Mail,
including all the Folders I worked so hard organizing them into. I'm thinking
there must be a way to just copy this backup file with all the folders into
the new directory to be used by the newly installed copy of Windows Mail
instead of starting all over?

Nikolai Kidd

did you find a solution? I have the same problem, and Mail for Vista did not
recognize importing Mail 7 as valid , at least not for me.

Gary VanderMolen [MVP]

Is this "backup drive" an external drive? Windows Mail can't import
directly from external media. First copy the backup folder to your
hard drive, into a empty folder that is under your user profile.

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