restore help & support index



OS: Win XP Pro with SP2
When I START>Help And Support>Index the index pane is blank with a red x in
the upper left corner. In article id. 899296 the following vbs script is

' Help and Support MUI Install '
Option Explicit

' Localizable text
CONST strProcess = "Processing MUI Cab for LCID: "

Dim objFSO, objHSCMUIFolder, objShell, objCab
Dim objLCID, objSubFolders,objFiles
Dim strHelpsvc, strHSCMUI, strMUILCID, strCab

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strHSCMUI = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(0).Path & "\Pchealth\MUI"
strHelpsvc = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(0).Path &
"\Pchealth\Helpctr\Binaries\Helpsvc.exe "
set objHSCMUIFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strHSCMUI)
set objSubFolders = objHSCMUIFolder.SubFolders
For each objLCID in objSubFolders
strMUILCID = objLCID.Name
set objFiles = objLCID.Files
for each objCab in objFiles
strCab = objCab.Path
if right(strCab,4) = ".cab" then
wscript.echo strProcess & strMUILCID
objShell.Run strHelpsvc & "/MUI_install " & strMUILCID & " " &_
strCab = ""
' wscript.echo "Error code received: " & err.Number,,"Debug error check"
end if

I follow the instructions in article id. 899296. When I execute the script
I get a runtime error: (1,18 path not found).

Can someone please help me with this? I need to correct the problem of the
index pane being empty when I select index in Help And Support.


If help/support is damaged,then you might have a corrupted user account,start
new user account,open to new,if help/support is ok,the old account should be

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