Matt Williamson
I've been working on a script to detect changes in a folder and process the
files that have changed. For some odd reason that I've yet to determine, I
can't get any program (WMI, WaitDirChg, etc) that polls the system for
directory change information to trigger with a few particular files. So, I
think the next step would be just to test for changes in a directory in a
loop. I've come up with this so far but I'm having trouble figuring out the
best way to verify that the file is finished downloading before processing
it. The obvious way is just start another inner loop and keep checking the
size until it matches, but I haven't come up with an elegent way to do it
yet. I'm sure there is a better way too. Any input would help. My brain
hurts at the moment.
[2]@echo off
[5]set src=E:\temp\test\
[6]set mask=????.txt
[7]set old=%temp%\old.txt
[8]set new=%temp%\new.txt
[9]set change=%temp%\change.txt
[11]if not exist %old% (call :GetList %src%%mask% %old%)
[12]echo Watching %src% for changes
[14]:: Create the current directory listing
[15]Call :GetList %src%%mask% %new%
[16]findstr /l /i /x /v /g:%old% %new% > %change%
[17]::0 = new entries 1 = no new entries
[18]if errorlevel 1 (Echo.%time% - No new files
[19]del %old%&ren %new% old.txt
[20]ping -n 10>nul 2>&1&goto :loop)
[21]echo New file(s) found.
[22]echo:&type %change% | more
[24]:: Best way to check the size of the new file/files against current
[25]goto :loop
[26]goto :eof
[29]for %%a in (%1) do echo %%~nxa %%~za %%~ta>>%2
[30]goto :eof
files that have changed. For some odd reason that I've yet to determine, I
can't get any program (WMI, WaitDirChg, etc) that polls the system for
directory change information to trigger with a few particular files. So, I
think the next step would be just to test for changes in a directory in a
loop. I've come up with this so far but I'm having trouble figuring out the
best way to verify that the file is finished downloading before processing
it. The obvious way is just start another inner loop and keep checking the
size until it matches, but I haven't come up with an elegent way to do it
yet. I'm sure there is a better way too. Any input would help. My brain
hurts at the moment.
[2]@echo off
[5]set src=E:\temp\test\
[6]set mask=????.txt
[7]set old=%temp%\old.txt
[8]set new=%temp%\new.txt
[9]set change=%temp%\change.txt
[11]if not exist %old% (call :GetList %src%%mask% %old%)
[12]echo Watching %src% for changes
[14]:: Create the current directory listing
[15]Call :GetList %src%%mask% %new%
[16]findstr /l /i /x /v /g:%old% %new% > %change%
[17]::0 = new entries 1 = no new entries
[18]if errorlevel 1 (Echo.%time% - No new files
[19]del %old%&ren %new% old.txt
[20]ping -n 10>nul 2>&1&goto :loop)
[21]echo New file(s) found.
[22]echo:&type %change% | more
[24]:: Best way to check the size of the new file/files against current
[25]goto :loop
[26]goto :eof
[29]for %%a in (%1) do echo %%~nxa %%~za %%~ta>>%2
[30]goto :eof