Resolution and viewing ie6



I have just go a new laptop, 15" screen and it needs to be
set at 1050 by 1400. My problem is that if I am viewing
pictures/graphics in say photoshop, I have no problems.
But when I go online all the web pages are
being "stretched" and they look terrible. All graphics are
blurred although text is clean and crisp. I assume this is
because not many people are using that resolution,
therefore most websites won't look that good, but I need
to sort this out as it's really annoying! Any help would
be most appreciated as this laptop was really expensive!


Dell Inspiron?


How to Activate Scaling
Internet Explorer 6 and later automatically adjusts the scale on higher
resolution systems when the DPI setting is higher than 96 DPI and the
"UseHR" registry value is added to the registry. These are usually done by
the manufacturers of higher resolution systems.

Set the DPI
These are the steps for changing the DPI setting on your system.

Right-click the Windows desktop to display the context menu.
Click Properties on the context menu to display the Display Properties
Click the Settings tab on the Display Properties dialog to display the
Settings tab.
Click the Advanced button on the Settings tab to display the monitor
properties dialog.
Select a DPI setting in the Display frame of the monitor properties dialog
to change the DPI setting.
Restart your system to allow the changes to take effect.

Run REGEDIT to add the UseHR Registry Entry
The UseHR value is added to the Main key under "Internet Explorer" as

Internet Explorer
UseHR= dword:00000001

Additional info at:

Hope this helps,

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