Resizing uploaded image before saving to database



I have code which takes an image, uploaded from a web page, and saves it to
a database. Now I want to always resize an uploaded image before it is
saved to the database. My code to resize is below and of course it's not
working properly because my web page which displays the resulting image from
the database is not showing the image. I **think** the problem is in my
converting the bitmap back to a byte array. If I change my code back to
saving the image as originally uploaded the image displays fine.


' Upload conversion code

Public Sub SaveUploadedImage(ByVal itemId As Integer, ByVal imageFile As

Dim contentSize As Integer
Dim contentType As String = imageFile.ContentType

Dim origImage As Bitmap =
CType(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imageFile.InputStream), Bitmap)
Dim maxHeight As Integer = 340
Dim maxWidth As Integer = 170
Dim origWidth As Integer = origImage.Width
Dim origHeight As Integer = origImage.Height
Dim newWidth As Integer = origWidth
Dim newHeight As Integer = origHeight

If ((origWidth > maxWidth) And (maxWidth > 0)) Or ((origHeight > maxHeight)
And (maxHeight > 0)) Then
Dim factor As Double = 1
If (maxWidth > 0) Then
factor = Math.Min(factor, (maxWidth / origWidth))
End If
If (maxHeight > 0) Then
factor = Math.Min(factor, (maxHeight / origHeight))
End If
newWidth = CInt(origWidth * factor)
newHeight = CInt(origHeight * factor)
End If

Dim newImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight)
Dim gfx As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)

With gfx
.CompositingMode = Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver
.CompositingQuality = Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality
.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
.PixelOffsetMode = Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
.DrawImage(origImage, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)
End With

' Is problem in this section of code????

Dim objStream As New MemoryStream

If contentType.IndexOf("jpeg") >= 0 Then
newImage.Save(objStream, Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
newImage.Save(objStream, Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif)
End If


contentSize = CType(objStream.Length, Integer)

Dim imageData(contentSize) As Byte
objStream.Read(imageData, 0, contentSize)

' set sql sp parameters

With dataObj
Dim parameterContent As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Content",
parameterContent.Value = imageData

Dim parameterContentSize As SqlParameter = New
SqlParameter("@ContentSize", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
parameterContentSize.Value = contentSize

Dim parameterContentType As SqlParameter = New
SqlParameter("@ContentType", SqlDbType.VarChar, 25)
parameterContentType.Value = contentType
End With

End Sub

FYI - Here's excerpt of code from the web page which displays the image

Dim content As Byte()
Dim byteSize As Integer
Dim contentType As String

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = dataObj.GetImage(itemId)
If dr.Read Then
byteSize = Ctype(dr("contentsize"),integer)

If byteSize > 0 Then
content = CType(dr("content"), Byte())
contentType = dr("contentType").ToString
End If
End If

If byteSize > 0 Then
Response.ContentType = contentType
Response.OutputStream.Write(content, 0, byteSize)
End If

Peter Huang

Hi Brad,

You may try to change the code as below.
contentSize = CType(objStream.Length, Integer)
Dim imageData(contentSize) As Byte
objStream.Read(imageData, 0, contentSize)


contentSize = CType(objStream.Length, Integer)
objStream.Position =0 'This is the key point
Dim imageData(contentSize-1) As Byte
objStream.Read(imageData, 0, contentSize)

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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It works. Thank you very much.

"Peter Huang" said:
Hi Brad,

You may try to change the code as below.


contentSize = CType(objStream.Length, Integer)
objStream.Position =0 'This is the key point
Dim imageData(contentSize-1) As Byte
objStream.Read(imageData, 0, contentSize)

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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