resizing powerpoint document using automation


Soma Ellappan

I am having difficultly in resizing powerpoint documents through
automation. If I do it manually by changing the 'Page Setup', all the
shapes in all the slides resize accordingly. But, if i record the same
operation as a macro and execute it, it resizes the document but the
shapes are not resized properly. The slides look ugly. Please help.

Here is the recorded macro:
With ActivePresentation.PageSetup
.SlideSize = ppSlideSizeCustom
.SlideWidth = 216
.SlideHeight = 216
.FirstSlideNumber = 1
.SlideOrientation = msoOrientationHorizontal
.NotesOrientation = msoOrientationVertical
End With

Soma Ellappan

Mike M.

I have not had a problem with shapes when I resize slides through
automation. I do have problems with some text where it doesn't resize
properly. Are you trying to resize so drastically that the shapes won't

John Langhans [MSFT]

[CRITICAL UPDATE - Anyone using Office 2003 should install the critical
update as soon as possible. From PowerPoint, choose "Help -> Check for

Hello Soma,

If you have a sample slide (unmodified) which exhibits this problem, I
would be glad to have testing look at it to determine whether or not it's a
known issue or something new.

Just send it to me at the following address (after unscrambling) with the
word NEWSGROUP at the beginning of the e-mail title/subject line:


John Langhans
Microsoft Corporation
Supportability Program Manager
Microsoft Office PowerPoint for Windows
Microsoft Office Picture Manager for Windows

For FAQ's, highlights and top issues, visit the Microsoft PowerPoint
support center at:
Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base at:

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified at

Soma Ellappan

Correct! The shape is ok - it is the text within the shape that does
not resize properly if i use automation. Do you know how i can get
that fixed?

Mike M.

Well, this was a major hassle for me. What I found out is that some of the
text in text boxes did not get resized by PowerPoint. I seem to remember it
was text in a text box that had more than one font set. For example: I had
a text box with 3 or 4 lines of text, one bold the others not and one had a
different font size. The solution was not very good. Here is what I did:
1. I open the presentation and retrieved it's size. I calculated the
change in size as a percentage.
2. I went through each slide and each text box that had text and applied the
percentage to the font size. I also had to do this on the Master slide.
3. For those text boxes that have multiple fonts within them you have to use
"runs". Each piece of text with a different font has a run. You have to go
through all the runs and get the sizes before applying the change because
applying the change changes the runs.

It was a pain.

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