Resize Table - Permanently (MSAccess 2000)



I do I save the new size/position of a Table after I resize/move it?

I have tables that decend below the main form borders. I can resize/move
them but when I 'Close' then reopen them they remain the former size/location.

I have tried using CTL, Shift, and CTL-Shift when closing from both 'X' and
'Close' but none work.

What is the trick?


John W. Vinson

I do I save the new size/position of a Table after I resize/move it?

I have tables that decend below the main form borders. I can resize/move
them but when I 'Close' then reopen them they remain the former size/location.

I have tried using CTL, Shift, and CTL-Shift when closing from both 'X' and
'Close' but none work.

What is the trick?


The trick is to use Tables for their intended purpose - data storage. Use a
Form (which can be a Datasheet form if you like the look) for data
presentation and editing.


Sorry .... I was not clear -

I'm speaking of the FORM that displays the Table Data.

That is what I wish to permanently resize


John W. Vinson

Sorry .... I was not clear -

I'm speaking of the FORM that displays the Table Data.

That is what I wish to permanently resize

Open the form in design view. Make sure its Auto Resize property is set to No.
Size it how you like and save it.


Once again I must appologize ... My terminology must not be correct.

When I start Access, open a database, and then view it in datasheet view -
this is the form of which I speak.

This is the form that I am unable to permanently move or resize.



Rick Brandt

Adept said:
Once again I must appologize ... My terminology must not be correct.

When I start Access, open a database, and then view it in datasheet
view - this is the form of which I speak.

View WHAT in datasheet view. You cannot view a database in datasheet view.
If you are talking about a table then it cannot be done. If you use a
datasheet view form, then you can.

John Spencer

There is no mechanism for saving the form factor of a table. As far as
I can determine, the table will always open up in datasheet view
slightly smaller than the window size of the database.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


May I ask the question another way ...

Can I control/specify the number of rows that appear when I click on "Open"?

If I can reduct the number of rows that appear, this also would solve my
problem as the size of the display would not decend below the bottom of the
parent form.


Rick Brandt

Adept said:
May I ask the question another way ...

Can I control/specify the number of rows that appear when I click on

If I can reduct the number of rows that appear, this also would solve
my problem as the size of the display would not decend below the
bottom of the parent form.

It takes all of 15 seconds to create a form based on your table. That
*form* in datasheet view would have the same appearance as a table and can
be saved to do exactly what you are describing. A table cannot.


Tanks .... I hadn't thought of that.


Rick Brandt said:
It takes all of 15 seconds to create a form based on your table. That
*form* in datasheet view would have the same appearance as a table and can
be saved to do exactly what you are describing. A table cannot.

David W. Fenton

It takes all of 15 seconds to create a form based on your table.
That *form* in datasheet view would have the same appearance as a
table and can be saved to do exactly what you are describing. A
table cannot.

While I certainly agree with your recommendation, it actually *is*
possible to resize and position a table programmaticly, using

Rick Brandt

David said:
While I certainly agree with your recommendation, it actually *is*
possible to resize and position a table programmaticly, using

True, but seeing as how he is opening the table from the db window there
would be no event firing. One would have to add a menu item that was
invoked after opening it.

David W. Fenton

True, but seeing as how he is opening the table from the db window
there would be no event firing. One would have to add a menu item
that was invoked after opening it.

If you had a menu item that ran code, the code could open the table,
and resize it.


Ok, i work in access and open tables all the time to run quick filters on (it
is faster than writing a query) and i am having the same problem. When i
double click to "Open" a table, it opens up past the bottom of the grey area
on the screen and shows a scroll bar. If i make the Access window larger it
shows more lines and still goes past the bottom of the screen.

I am not sure if this is only a 2000 issue because i didn't have to resize
my table every time i opened it.

I need to "open" the table and see the entire window in the grey viewing
I am pretty sure when you changed and then saved the layout of the table it
saved the window size too.


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