Reselect a TextBox


Patrick C. Simonds

Below is my AfterUpdate code for TextBox12. Part of that code gives me a
message if an incorrect time is entered (like 2845 instead of 1845). Is
there any code that I can place after the MsgBox so that the number in
TextBox12 will be selected. My goal is to prevent them from moving on until
the correct number is entered.

Private Sub TextBox12_AfterUpdate()

On Error GoTo error

TextBox12.Value = Format(Application.Text(Replace(TextBox12.Value, ":",
""), "00\:00"), "hh:mm")

If TextBox12.Value > "" Then
If TextBox11.Value > "" Then

TextBox13.Value = (TimeValue(TextBox12.Value) -
TimeValue(TextBox11.Value)) * 24
TextBox13.Value = Format(TextBox13.Value, "0.0000")

TextBox1.Value = CDbl("0" & TextBox13.Value) + CDbl("0" &
TextBox23.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox33.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox43.Value)
+ CDbl("0" & TextBox53.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox63.Value) + CDbl("0" &
TextBox14.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox24.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox34.Value)
+ CDbl("0" & TextBox44.Value) + CDbl("0" & TextBox54.Value) + CDbl("0" &
TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "0.0000")
End If
End If

'Test that to see if hours worked exceeds shift length

If TextBox12.Value > "" Then
If TextBox11.Value > "" Then

TextBox2 = TextBox4 - TextBox1

End If

If TextBox2.Value < 0 Then
TextBox2.Value = 0
GoTo Finished
End If

TextBox2 = TextBox4 - TextBox1
TextBox2.Text = Format(TextBox2.Text, "0.0000")

End If


If TextBox12.Value = "" Then
TextBox13.Value = ""
End If

If TextBox11.Value = "" Then
TextBox13.Value = ""
End If

MsgBox "please enter only time values"

End Sub

Patrick C. Simonds

Is there no way to get what I want without changing to the BeforeUpdate. All
I want is for the focus to return to TextBox12.

Patrick C. Simonds

Ok you convinced me. Here is the code below.

Notice I added:

If TextBox11.Value = "" Then GoTo continue

just as a way to get out in case one wanted to get out without putting in a

Is there anyway that if it is not a valid time (and the msgbox is triggered)
to have the number in the TextBox be selected so all the user has to do is
start entering a number, without having to manually select what is already
in the textBox? I tried using TextBox11.SetFocus but that did not work.

Private Sub TextBox11_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

Dim TestDateVariable

TestDateVariable = Format(Replace(TextBox11.Value, ":", ""), "00\:00")

If TextBox11.Value = "" Then GoTo continue

If IsDate(TestDateVariable) Then
TextBox11.Value = Format(TestDateVariable, "hh:mm")

MsgBox "Sorry but that is not a correct time. Please enter a correct
Cancel = True

End If


End Sub

Patrick C. Simonds

Thanks a lot. The code as written created errors but adding a . in front
of Value=, SelStart and SelLenength lines corrected that.

Dave Peterson

I use the _exit procedure. It also has the Cancel parm.

If you have a cancel button on the userform, you may want to make sure that the
..takefocusonclick property is set to false (either in the _initialize event or
manually changing the property).

Then if the user enters that textbox, they can still cancel by without having to
type in something that looks like a correct number.

Mike Fogleman

I am using Outlook Express and the leading dots were not there. I connect OE
directly to
Mke F

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