Requiring Data in a field based on another field's entry


Jeff Monroe

I have two fields on a form: NCR_No and Insp_Date. I want to make it so
if a user enters an NCR_No, an error message appears if the user did
not enter an Insp_Date telling them an Insp_Date is required.

How can I accomplish this?


Allen Browne

Jeff Monroe said:
I have two fields on a form: NCR_No and Insp_Date. I want to make it so
if a user enters an NCR_No, an error message appears if the user did
not enter an Insp_Date telling them an Insp_Date is required.

Solution A: Validation Rule on the Table
Use this if the user *must* always enter a date if NCR_No is entered.

1. Open your table in design view.

2. Open the Properties box (View menu.)

3. Beside the Validation Rule in the Properties box, enter:
([NCR_No] Is Null) OR ([Insp_Date] Is Not Null)
Be sure to use the rule in the Properties box, not the one in the lower pane
of table design (which applies to one field.)

4. Enter the message you want in the Validation Text property, e.g.:
You must enter the Inspection Date if you enter an NCR Number.

More about validation rules:

Solution B: BeforeUpdate event procedure of the form
Use this to give a warning, but let the user override it.

1. Open the Form in design view.

2. Set the Before Update property of the *form* (not of a text box) to:
[Event Procedure]

3. Click the Build button (...) beside the property.
Acess opens the code window.

4. Set up the event procedure like this:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strMsg As String
If IsNull(Me.[Insp_Date]) And Not IsNull(Me.[NCR_No]) Then
strMsg = "NCR number, but no inspection date." & vbCrLf & _
"Continue anyway?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
"Are you sure?") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Solution C: Automatically enter the date
Use the After Update event procedure of NCR_No to assign today's date to the
If IsNull(Me.[Insp_Date]) And Not IsNull(Me.[NCR_No]) Then
Me.[Insp_Date] = Date
End If

You probably want to use Solution A or B as well.

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