Request.UrlReferrer doesn't work



do you have any ideas why this code doesn't work?
i have 2 pages in 2 different domains: a.html; b.aspx

a.html (i make a redirect)
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function redirect(){window.location='';}
<BODY onload='redirect()'>

b.aspx (i check to come from a.html)
r1: Dim p As Uri = Request.UrlReferrer
r2: Dim ps As String = p.AbsoluteUri.ToString()

i receive an error in row2 that say that the istance is not an object
(translating from italian (-; )
with debug i can see that already in row1 it doesn't find anything and "p"
stay ampty.

anybody knows what can i do?
i can't change the page a.html

franz from italy (again (-; )

Joerg Jooss

-=franz=- said:
do you have any ideas why this code doesn't work?
i have 2 pages in 2 different domains: a.html; b.aspx

a.html (i make a redirect)
<script language='JavaScript1.2'>
function redirect(){window.location='';}
<BODY onload='redirect()'>

b.aspx (i check to come from a.html)
r1: Dim p As Uri = Request.UrlReferrer
r2: Dim ps As String = p.AbsoluteUri.ToString()

i receive an error in row2 that say that the istance is not an object
(translating from italian (-; )
with debug i can see that already in row1 it doesn't find anything
and "p" stay ampty.

anybody knows what can i do?

There's no guarantee that you'll receive a referrer header, and upstream
proxies could change its values anyway.
