Request.Form error - idHidxml="<recordset><record>




I have an aspx page which has javascript to configure xmldata. I added breakpoint to the button method. When I click submit button, it did not go to those breakpoint and show the following error

System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException (0x80004005)
Detect the potential danger of Request.Form value from client side (idHidxml="<recordset><record><...")

System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateString(String s, String valueName, String collectionName
System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateNameValueCollection(NameValueCollection nvc, String collectionName
System.Web.HttpRequest.get_Form() +11
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +8

What does that error mean and how can I trace it




Turn requestValidation off at the page (page directive) or web.config
file -- beware of potential danger in doing so ... docs describe this in


Tom said:

I have an aspx page which has javascript to configure xmldata. I added
breakpoint to the button method. When I click submit button, it did not go
to those breakpoint and show the following error:


Hi Alex

I tried to search over the whole solution (all projects) and cannot find the requestValidation, Request.Form, HttpRequestValidationException or idHidxml="<recordset><record>.

May I ask how can I turn requestValidation off at the page (page directive) or web.config file?

Thanks for hel


Turn requestValidation off at the page (page directive) or web.confi
file -- beware of potential danger in doing so ... docs describe this i


Tom said:
breakpoint to the button method. When I click submit button, it did not g
to those breakpoint and show the following error



I was typing quickly from memory when I responded so I might have confused
you a little :)

The page directive you are looking for is called 'validateRequest'. If you
are using VS, go to your html view of the .aspx page and look at the default
@page directive. Should be something like <%@ Page etc,etc....%>

Set an attribute anywhere in this string that looks like the following:

Your new page directive should look something like this (with your values of

<%@ Page validateRequest="false" language="c#"
Codebehind="<your_page>.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="<your_namespace.your_codeBehindClass" %>

This will disable client request validation at the 'page' level. Note that
by doing so, malicious postings to your page are no longer going to be
automatically rejected by so you should take the responsibility of
making sure that the caller's request does not contain unexpected or
malicious content.


Tom said:
Hi Alex,

I tried to search over the whole solution (all projects) and cannot find
the requestValidation, Request.Form, HttpRequestValidationException or


Hi Alex

I tried to add the validateRequest="false" to the page directive and the error did not show now. However, the method does not work.

So, I want to know how to trace that error? There are some javascript in the aspx page and the cs file uses object of other cs files.

I cannot trace the error incurred from Request.Form, HttpRequestValidationException o

Is the error in aspx or the corresponding cs file? There is no way to check the aspx file. But, the error incurs when I click that submit button and it did not pass to the button method in cs file. How can I debug it now?

I do really want to find out that bug as this error happens in many aspx pages.

Is there any method to debug the aspx? Can 2003 do it

Thanks for your kind help

Best regards



Well .. you have a couple of options in this case.

The easiest way IMO to track down an unhandled exception would be to start
the app in debug mode and to step thru the page/method/etc.. where you
believe the error is occurring. If you don't know, you can always start the
app by stepping into its first method. Depending on your chosen VS.NET
configuration, your function may be different then mine, but F11 is the one
I have mapped. This will allow you to examine each method as it executes.
Then you can advance the line-by-line execution with whatever your
'step-next' key is (mine is F9).

Another option you have is to enable tracing in the web.config file. Open
web.config and find the 'trace' element. Change the 'enabled' element's
value to "true". When the error occurs in your app, go to the url bar and
replace the <page_name>.aspx portion of the url with trace.axd. This is a
log of the requests made to the app by Choose details of your last
request in the list and you should see some debugging info including the
error msg and the stacktrace of the error.

You can also add a TRACE switch to your app. This will log all trace info
to a file for review.

Based on the fact that the 'potentially dangerous Request.Form field ....'
error went away, my guess would be that the error you are seeing now is new
and unrelated to the original post.

If you can isolate the error to a specific page/call, why not post the code
or at least a stacktrace/ToString() of the exception.


Tom said:
Hi Alex,

I tried to add the validateRequest="false" to the page directive and the
error did not show now. However, the method does not work.
So, I want to know how to trace that error? There are some javascript in
the aspx page and the cs file uses object of other cs files.
I cannot trace the error incurred from Request.Form,
HttpRequestValidationException or

Is the error in aspx or the corresponding cs file? There is no way to
check the aspx file. But, the error incurs when I click that submit button
and it did not pass to the button method in cs file. How can I debug it now?


Hi Alex

I put the breakpoint on page_load method and run the relevant methods in the program line by line by pressing F11. It is ok until the aspx page is loaded. Then, I fill in that webform and press button. The btnSubmit_Click method did not execute and the error page displayed.

Then, I use your 2nd method, replace the <page_name>.aspx portion of the url with trace.axd. It showed a list of aspx pages and I selected the last detail page

It shows the same error as the error pag

Potential danger of Request.Form (idHidxml="<recordset><record><...") has detected
at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateString(String s, String valueName, String collectionName
at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateNameValueCollection(NameValueCollection nvc, String collectionName
at System.Web.HttpRequest.get_Form(
at System.Web.UI.Page.GetCollectionBasedOnMethod(
at System.Web.UI.Page.DeterminePostBackMode(
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(

More info that I can see is

__VIEWSTATE dDwtMTQ5MjY0MjM3NTt0PHA8bDxHcm91cElEO0RlZmF1bHRBY3Rpb25TY29wZTtHcm91cE5hbWU7PjtsPGk8MzM+O2k8LTE+O+WJr+aAu+e7j+eQhjs+PjtsPGk8MT47PjtsPHQ8O2w8aTw0PjtpPDU+O2k8Nz47aTw5Pjs+O2w8dDxAPOWJr+aAu+e7j+eQhjs+Ozs+O3Q8dDxwPHA8bDxEYXRhVGV4dEZpZWxkO0RhdGFWYWx1ZUZpZWxkOz47bDxNb2R1bGVOYW1lO01vZHVsZUlEOz4+Oz47dDxpPDg+O0A857O757uf566h55CGO+S6uuS6i+euoeeQhjvooYzmlL/nrqHnkIY75pel5bi45Yqe5YWsO+eJqea1geeuoeeQhjvotKLliqHnrqHnkIY75YWs5YWx5L+h5oGvO+WuouaIt+WFs+ezu+euoeeQhjs+O0A8MDAwOzAwMTswMDI7MDAzOzAwNDswMDU7MDA2OzAwNzs+PjtsPGk8MD47Pj47Oz47dDx0PHA8cDxsPERhdGFUZXh0RmllbGQ7RGF0YVZhbHVlRmllbGQ7PjtsPEZ1bGxOYW1lO0RlcHRJRDs+Pjs+O3Q8aTw5PjtAPOmJhemztDvnuL3pg6g76LSi5Yqh6YOoO+S/oeaBr+mDqDvlub/lt57liIblhazlj7g75bm/5bee5YiG5YWs5Y+46LSi5Yqh6YOoO+a3seWcs+WIhuWFrOWPuDvpg5Hlt57liIblhazlj7g7VGVzdGluZyBkZXB0Oz47QDwtMTswOzEwOzk7MTI7MTM7MTQ7MTY7MTc7Pj47Pjs7Pjt0PHA8bDxzcmM7PjtsPFVzZXJHcm91cEZ1bmN0aW9uUmlnaHRTZWxlY3QuYXNweD9tb2R1bGVJRD0wMDAmZ3JvdXBJRD0zMzs+Pjs7Pjs+Pjs+Pjs+6AoVoQ6AgVWkVk99WR/De3U8Qwo=
idHidxml <recordset><record><rightid>000.001.R01</rightid><deptid>-1</deptid></record><record><rightid>000.001.R02</rightid><deptid>-1</deptid></record><record><rightid>000.001.R03</rightid><deptid>-1</deptid></record><record><rightid>000.001.R04</rightid><deptid>-1</deptid></record></recordset>
listModule 000
listDefDept -1
btnSubmit Submi

And, there are many server variables.

However, I cannot isolate the error to a specific page/call based on those info

Any suggestion?

Best regards




At this point, it might be hard to progress any further without looking at
the actual project but I do have some other questions.

At what point is the xml data being generated? OnPageLoad of the very first
page in the app? Are you then storing this generated data in a html 'input'
field with hidden=true? Is there a particular reason why the xml would have
to be stored in the input field (if this is the case)?

I would suggest posting the code for this page and let us review it. If you
don't feel comfortable with this, you can send it to my hotmail acct at :
a*b*n*r*n*[email protected]. Remove the asterisks and you'll have my address.


Tom said:
Hi Alex,

I put the breakpoint on page_load method and run the relevant methods in
the program line by line by pressing F11. It is ok until the aspx page is
loaded. Then, I fill in that webform and press button. The btnSubmit_Click
method did not execute and the error page displayed.
Then, I use your 2nd method, replace the <page_name>.aspx portion of the
url with trace.axd. It showed a list of aspx pages and I selected the last
detail page.


Hi Alex

Thank you for your kind help. Although the bug has not been fixed, my classmate can run it. I will check my error and post it here when I fix it

I will send the code to you if I cannot fix it finally.

Best regard


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