Request for Learning Macros and their Programming for Begginners


Ahmed Bawazir

Hello all and Warm Greetings for the Day,

Please provide me help on Learning Ms Excel Macros as I am a begginner and
as well as i want to master these.

I am familiar with all the Formulae but not familiar with Ms Excel Macros
and their coding how to do.

Provide me few web site address from where I can download free ebooks and
master Macros

If possible sent me all your comments at (e-mail address removed)

Thanks in advance to each and every single individual

Ahmed Bawazir

Bob Phillips

I would suggest 3 things.

First, get yourself a reasonably ambitious mid-sized project that will
actually be useful to you. Something like a building a home accounts
application. Work out what it needs to do, the inputs and outputs and
document that in some for.

Get a good VBA book. John Walkenbach's are usually reliable, VBA for Dummies
or some other title. Go to a decent bookstore, browse and see who writes in
a style that you are comfortable with.

Then develop it. Read some of the book, practice the techniques. Then break
your earlier design down into chunks, say one for inputting cheques, one for
standing orders, and use what you have learned to develop those chunks.If
you get stuck, dive into the book, or come visit us again. Then move on to
the next chunk etc.

You will soon improve.

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