Reports - front and back page problems, need help


Larry Kahm

I have received a report request from a client and I'm stumped.

The front page of the report contains a fixed text page header, detail
section with text fields that can grow or shrink depending on the amount of
text, and a fixed text page footer.

The back page contains a different fixed text page header, fixed text
(boilerplate) detail section, and different fixed text page

I have tried everything possible to configure the report sections to produce
this report and nothing seems to work.

Is there anyone who can tell me how I can get variable text on the first
page to work with static text on the back page?




I assume this report is only two pages. Can you try not use a page header
section. Place what was on your first page header into the report header.
Then put everything you want on the back page into the report footer and make
sure there is a page break prior to the section printing.

Larry Kahm


Thanks, that might have worked except for the fact that the client's
locations has to appear in a specific location on the bottom of the front

I've tried to explain to them that Access isn't really designed to do report
layout like they envisioned and the only thing I can suggest is that they
dedicate a printer to holding their letterhead paper - and let access simply
deal with the data.


Rick Brandt

Larry said:

Thanks, that might have worked except for the fact that the client's
locations has to appear in a specific location on the bottom of the
front page.

You can use the Report's print method to place text anywhere you like on the
page via code (if you use the Page event).


Great idea Rick. Some sample code to draw a line and add varying text would
be like:
Private Sub Report_Page()
Dim lngPageBottom As Long
Me.FontName = "Arial"
Me.FontSize = 12
lngPageBottom = 1440 * 8 '8"

CurrentY = lngPageBottom
'draw a horizontal line
Me.Line (0, lngPageBottom - 100)-Step(Me.Width, 0)
CurrentX = 0
Me.Print "left margin at bottom"
CurrentX = 1440 * 4
CurrentY = lngPageBottom
Me.Print "4 inches from left margin at bottom"
CurrentX = 1440 * 2
CurrentY = lngPageBottom + 300
If Page = 1 Then
Me.Print "First Page Only"
Me.Print "All Other Pages"
End If
End Sub

Larry Kahm

I'll give it a try and see what happens.

Thanks very much for the suggestion and the code!


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