Reporting multiple fields


Ted Sylvio


I'm importing a years worth of timesheets for my company from Excel into
Access. So far I have been able to produce many nice looking reports with
useful information that used to take us days to sort through in Excel.
However the problem emerged when there is a category that involves multiple
tasks that we need to timetrack. To give an example lets say we are looking
to see whos involved in the mailroom procedures and they could have entered
three tasks on their timesheet like sorting, sending and receiving. I tried
to use a conditional iif statement to get what i wanted. My code looked

=iif ([Sheet1.Task] "SORT", "SEND", "REC")

Everytime I try to run the report the field where the number should be shows

Can anyone shine some light on this? Thanks in advance!

Duane Hookom

What do you want to display? Can you share some table and field names, sample
records, and how you want them to display in your report?

Typically the IIf() function has 3 arguments. The first is a condition than
can be evaluated as either true or false. The 2nd and 3rd arguments are the
values returned from the expression for True or False conditions.


=iif ([Sheet1.Task] "SORT", "SEND", "REC")
What is Sheet1.Task?
Is this in the control source of a control on your report?

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