Report showing ID not VALUE



Hi. I tried to set up my database the "correct" way with unique ID keys that
access automatically puts in. The problem is, my report that is from a query
shows a number instead of an employees name. The way I set up my table is:
field 1= a primary key, field 2 = employees name. So if I had this: 1 and
then John Doe associated with it, I get a report that shows "1" at the top
with all of John Doe's info. How do I get "John Doe" to show up instead of
that darned 1????

Jason Lepack

Are you using a query for the report? If no, then create a query for
the report.

If you are using a query then add the table that has the employee name
in it and use that instead of the employee_id (Primary Key)

Any questions, just fire away.

Jason Lepack



Use the sorting and grouping options button (at the top of the screen) to
sort the record by field 2. Ensure you click Yes to group header.

Place the [field 2] in the Group Header section of the report

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