Report Printing: No record, no report



Database: janitors and the buildings they clean.
One building has only one janitor. Each janitor can have several buildings.
Report: Janitors personal information in header, and building info (since it
may be more than one) in detail area.

My problem: If a janitor has no building, my report skips them and won't
print the header with blank detail. (I don't need it to display any certain
message, just need it to show a blank area.)

How do I fix this? Thanks for any help.

Rick B

Fix your query (the join type between the two tables) to include all records
from the janitor table.


Did so, and it didn't fix the problem. A little more detail: my two tables
are linked by the janitors ID field. I have several fields from the Building
Table that need to appear on the report (Name of Bldg, Pay, etc.), but most
of them are pulled from the Janitor table.

Should I put the janitors information somewhere else besides the header? Is
that throwing it off?

I appreciate your help. If you need to know any other information to help,
please let me know.


FYI: Problem solved. Changed query join to "include all records from Janitor
table, and only those records from Bldgs where the joined fields are equal".
Thanks for your help though.

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